World Missions at Second

This is a very exciting time to be involved in world missions! Urbanization and globalization have opened doors to communicating the Gospel and sharing resources unlike any time in our history. While much of this change can be mind-boggling, it ultimately represents a strategic time to be engaged in world missions.  

Our goal is to identify strategic fields and ministries and to partner with those involved in advancing the Gospel in those areas. We seek to call, train, and send missionaries to the field, as well as partner with national and international workers involved in that same endeavor.   

Below are the six strategic regions of the world in which we focus these efforts: 

  • Africa
  • Europe
  • Middle East
  • Central and Southeast Asia
  • East Asia
  • Central and South America

World Missions Conference

Each year, we host a World Missions Conference where we welcome many of our mission partners to our church! On February 19-23, we were encouraged by time with them and equipped to be better partners in the mission of sharing the gospel to the ends of the earth.

Make Your World Missions Pledge

How Can You Be a Part of World Missions?

Go Sacrificially

2025 Short-Term Trips

Join a short-term team! Contact the World Missions office or listed Team Leaders for info.

Bangkok (full) January 1-8 Brook Cheely

Mesa Global Staff Conference

Greece (full) March 10-17 Brad Morrow Young adult mission trip to partner with Gate Church
India (full) March 16-25 Alan and Kathy Hammond Kachhwa Christian Hospital
Mexico April 24-28 Don Riley Men's Retreat with La Misión Church
South Africa May Lane and Kayla Smith Cross-Cultural Project in Cape Town for college students
Iraq June 18-27 Charlie and Kirsten Scheel VBS with City Church in UK and KBC in Zambia
South Africa June 18-24 Jess Uke South Africa COSA Evangelism Conference with ABC Malawi
Kazakhstan June 21-30 Team Leader Needed Capernaum Mother's Camp in Almaty
Thailand  July James and Erin Luecke Cross-Cultural Project in Khon Kaen with Covenant Church
Mexico (Youth) July 5-12 Will Nease True North mission trip to Merida
Mexico (Youth) July 12-19 Will Nease 2nd True North mission trip to Merida with St. Andrews Olivos Church
UK (Youth)  July 17-26 Mary Raine Ivy True North mission trip to Birmingham
Cyprus (Worship Team) July 19-29 Calvin Ellis EPC WO Global Staff Conference 
Greece  September Howard Graham Faith and Work Conference in Athens
Indonesia Fall Team Leader Needed Women's Conference
Egypt Fall Susan Thomas Medical ministry in Cairo
Argentina October Fall Break Team Leader Needed Buenos Aires Family Trip

Pray Faithfully

Our missionary partners are engaged in a cosmic spiritual war. The great news is that our Lord Jesus Christ has won the victory by his life, death, and resurrection! However, the battle continues until his return, and the greatest need of these Christian soldiers as they await is the prayers of the church. 

Here are several opportunities to pray for our missionary partners:

Pickup a 2025 World Missions Prayer Book from our campus, where you will find a list of 2PC missionary partners, prayer requests, and Strategic National Impact Partners.

Download an online version of our World Missions Prayer Book. 

Welcome Kindly

One way to be involved in World Missions at Second is by welcoming our missionary partners when they are in town. Below are some ways that you can welcome them.

  • Teach English to new arrivals
  • Join the World Missions Team
  • Host a missionary family when they pass through town
  • Offer a vehicle for a missionary family in Memphis temporarily

If you are interested in being involved in any of these ways, please contact our World Missions office.

Send Generously

The World Missions budget is separate from Second's general budget, supported exclusively by your giving designated for World Missions. 

  • Pledge Online: Click here to make your pledge.
  • Give Online:
  • Give by Text: Text WORLD to (901) 410-9500 to give to World Missions.
  • Give by Mail: Second Presbyterian Church, 4055 Poplar Avenue, Memphis, TN 38111

Emeritus Missionaries of the Year

Emeritus is an honorific designation given to someone who is retired from the public performance of a duty on account of age, infirmity, or long and faithful services. Because of the long history of World Missions involvement at Second, the faithfulness of some partners to serve for multiple decades in some very hard places and with uniquely distinctive impact, and the enduring consistency of 2PC in maintaining those partnerships, the World Missions Team has created the category of Missionary Emeritus for missionary partners who have made an exceptional contribution to Missiology, World Evangelization, and the ministry of the Second Presbyterian Church.

Our first two Emeritae are Ms. Aileen Coleman and Rev. Judy Mbugua, followed by Dr. Raju and Mrs. Catherine Abraham.

 “Strengthening the church, through a holistic methodology, encourages long-term transformation, resulting in more believers being established and discipled.” -Raju and Catherine


 “There is always some reason not to do the work of God.” -Aileen Coleman

Learn more about Aileen.

 “We will not be judged by what we began, but by how faithfully we persisted to the end.”

Learn more about Judy.

The following websites are helpful resources to help you pray for missions and people across the world:

  • Operation World highlights a different country each day with more information and prayer requests.
  • Joshua Project provides information about unreached ethnic groups around the world.
  • Engage 2025 is the EPC movement which seeks to plant Protestant Reformed churches in 10 unreached Muslim communities by 2025.