Nursery HOURS
8:15am Service & 9:45am Sunday School: Available for ages 3 and under.
8:15am Service Early Childhood Worship Care: Available for older 3's, 4's, and 5's.
These children will participate in sanctuary worship until the Word to the Children. Then, they are able to exit the sanctuary with their families to be escorted to the nursery. Children who are dropped off for Early Childhood Worship Care MUST be picked up immediately following the 8:15 worship service for parents/guardians to bring them to Children's Sunday School in the C Basement.
6:00pm Service: Available for ages 5 and under.
Sunday School
Children’s Sunday School (JK–5th grade) meets on campus on Sundays from 9:45-10:45am in the KidZone (C Basement). Nursery age children (Birth through Pre-K) remain in their classrooms during the Sunday School hour.
Sunday School Class Locations:
- Jr. Kindergarten: C108/C109
- Sr. Kindergarten: C103/C104
- 1st Grade: C102
- 2nd Grade: C101
- 3rd Grade: Drop off in C100; transition to C105
- 4th Grade: Drop off in C100; transition to C107
- 5th Grade: Drop off in C100; transition to C106