Kids at Second

Nursery HOURS

8:15am Service & 9:45am Sunday School: Available for ages 3 and under.

8:15am Service Early Childhood Worship Care: Available for older 3's, 4's, and 5's.
These children will participate in sanctuary worship until the Word to the Children. Then, they are able to exit the sanctuary with their families to be escorted to the nursery. Children who are dropped off for Early Childhood Worship Care MUST be picked up immediately following the 8:15 worship service for parents/guardians to bring them to Children's Sunday School in the C Basement.

6:00pm Service: Available for ages 5 and under.

Sunday School

Children’s Sunday School (JK–5th grade) meets on campus on Sundays from 9:45-10:45am in the KidZone (C Basement). Nursery age children (Birth through Pre-K) remain in their classrooms during the Sunday School hour.

Sunday School Class Locations: 
  • Jr. Kindergarten: C108/C109
  • Sr. Kindergarten: C103/C104
  • 1st Grade: C102
  • 2nd Grade: C101
  • 3rd Grade: Drop off in C100; transition to C105
  • 4th Grade: Drop off in C100; transition to C107
  • 5th Grade: Drop off in C100; transition to C106

Age Groups


Our mission is to be a safe place where every child and parent sees the love of God in the people who care for them, causing all to have a greater desire to know Him and serve in His church.

Nursery Hours


  • 8:15am Service & 9:45am Sunday School: Available for ages 3 and under.
  • 8:15am Service Early Childhood Worship Care: Available for older 3's, 4's, and 5's.
    These children will participate in worship in the sanctuary up until the Word to the Children. They will then exit the sanctuary with their families and be escorted into the nursery area. Children who are dropped off for Early Childhood Worship Care MUST be picked up immediately following 8:15 worship service for parents/guardians to bring them to Children's Sunday School in the C Basement.
  • 6:00pm Service: Available for ages 5 and under.


  • 6:15-7:30pm: Available for ages 3 and under

The Nursery is open for all services, Wednesday night activities, programs, and classes, Sunday School, and morning Bible studies. The Nursery opens 15 minutes prior to scheduled events and stays open 15 minutes after scheduled ending time unless otherwise noted.

Nursery Wellness Policy

During cold and flu season please be aware of our Nursery Wellness Policy. You have a role to play in keeping our Nursery a healthy place to bring your child. If your child is not well, please refrain from bringing him/her to the Nursery.

A well child has:

  • No fever over 99.6 degrees currently or for the last 24 hours
  • No vomiting or diarrhea currently or for the last 24 hours
  • No runny nose that appears green or yellow
  • No persistent cough
  • No unexplained rashes
  • No skin infections (impetigo, boils, ringworm)
  • No eye infections
  • No childhood diseases such as chicken pox, mumps, measles, rubella, pertussis, scarlet fever

If your child currently has any of the above symptoms, we will not accept him/her into the Nursery. If a child develops any of the above symptoms while in our care, we will ask you to come and get him/her.

Nursery Frequently Asked Quetions

Still have questions? drop us an email or contact Kirsten Scheel, Early Childhood Coordinator, at (901) 531-6178.

Early Childhood

It’s never too early to introduce your child to the love of Jesus. Long before they can write their names or recite the alphabet, these little ones can take their first steps in a lifelong journey of faith. The preschool ministry is reflective of our desire to join with you, their parents and church family, to ignite their desire for the Lord. 

Sunday School

Sunday School classes meet from 9:45-10:45am in the C Basement. See locations below.

  • Pre-K: Room C101
  • Jr. Kindergarten: Room C108/C109
  • Sr. Kindergarten: Room C103/C104

Wednesday Nights

Cherub & Music Makers Choirs
  • On Wednesday evenings from 6:15-7:30pm, we have a wide range of choir offerings for children of all ages to broaden their knowledge of Christ's love for them through music. The choirs lead worship in several Sunday services throughout the year and perform a musical in the spring. Learn more and register.


One of the ways we teach our preschool children about the love of Jesus is by learning the catechism together. You can join us in this endeavor by encouraging your children to practice them at home! Read the preschool catechism questions.


Through Bible teaching and nurturing relationships, we seek to help children in elementary school develop a solid Christian worldview to guide them through the coming years.

Sunday School

Sunday School classes meet from 9:45-10:45am in the C Basement. See locations below.

  • 1st Grade: Room C102
  • 2nd Grade: Room C101
  • 3rd Grade: Room C105 (drop off in C100)
  • 4th Grade: Room C107 (drop off in C100)
  • 5th Grade: Room C106 (drop off in C106)

Wednesday Nights 

Spirit & Song Choir
  • On Wednesday evenings from 5:00-5:45pm, our 2nd through 5th grade choir meets in the Chancel Choir room to play musical games, learn anthems to sing in worship services, and practice our Hymn of the Month. An optional dinner is served following rehearsal, and children are dismissed at 6:05 to attend Connect. Learn more and register.
  • On Wednesday evenings from 6:15-7:30pm, 2nd-5th graders gather for games in the gym, singing, and a Bible lesson. This is a great way for them to get connected to the church, to awesome leaders, to other kids their age, and to God’s Word. Drop-off is at 6:15pm in the Recreation Gym Lobby, and pick-up is at 7:30pm in the PDS lobby. 

Register for Connect 2024 


The elementary Sunday School curriculum is part of a 1st-12th grade curriculum aimed to assist families in the discipleship process by providing outlines of Sunday School lessons as well as age-appropriate discussion questions. The lessons are presented through games, skits, Bible reading and age-appropriate activities.

Contact Lucy Stevens at   or 901-531-6178 with questions.

Special Needs & Student Support

Special Needs

The Shine ministry serves individuals with disabilities of all ages. For children and youth, find out more on Shine's webpage:

Visit the Shine Page for More Info

Parent & Student Support

If your child/student could benefit from additional support adjusting to a church event or Sunday School setting, please contact our Student Support Coordinator, Audrey Hamm, at

Special Events


Egg Hunt

April 19

Invite your neighbors to join us at 10am on the Poplar Field, and don’t forget a basket for your eggs. Dress is casual, and there will be prizes galore! Parents, please be sure to hop along with your children—all kids must be accompanied by an adult. Designed for children up to second grade.

Help Us Prepare for the Egg Hunt!

Our children's ministry is starting to collect eggs for the Egg Hunt on April 19! Please consider bringing one or two dozen pre-stuffed eggs with nut-free candy or small toys! The goal is to collect 5,000 eggs by April 13. Drop off bins are located by the nursery office and in the C basement.

Vacation Bible School
June 2-5, 2025

On June 2-5 from 9-11:45am, we are excited to walk through the story of redemption in the book of Exodus, focusing on God’s covenant relationship with His people. The week will be filled with song, dance, crafts, recreation, and snacks! Children who have completed Prek-5th grade are eligible to participate in VBS. 

Learn More and Register 



The Nursery is open for all services, MidWeek program classes, Sunday School, and morning Bible studies. Our mission is to be a safe place where every child and parent sees the love of God in the people who care for them, causing all to have a greater desire to know Him and serve in His church.


Connect is a great way for 2nd–5th graders to connect with our church, each other, awesome leaders, and to God's Word through music, games, and Bible lessons! We meet on Wednesdays, 6:15-7:30pm, in the Youth lobby.


We love for kids to join us in corporate worship. We have a time during the service where kids can come down front for a children's sermon. Families can take their younger ones to the nursery after this part of the service.


All children are a gift from the Lord, “fearfully and wonderfully made” (Psalm 139:14). Our Shine special needs ministry strives to effectively communicate the gospel to individuals with physical and intellectual disabilities and to eliminate barriers that prevent their families from living in community with the body of Christ. Visit to learn more!

Children’s Choirs

On Wednesday nights, children have the opportunity to broaden their knowledge of Christ's love for them through music by learning great hymns of the faith, memorizing scripture, recognizing music symbols and notes, and playing musical instruments.

Sunday School

On Sunday mornings, our children are encouraged to participate in Sunday School between services, at 9:45am. This is a wonderful opportunity for children to grow in their knowledge of who God is and who He created them to be. For a full list of classes and locations, see below.

Children’s Choirs

 We have a wide range of choir offerings for children of all ages to broaden their knowledge of Christ's love for them through music by learning great hymns of the faith, memorizing Scripture, learning to recognize music symbols and notes, and playing musical instruments. Our children's choirs are led by Calvin Ellis. The choirs lead worship in several Sunday services throughout the year and perform a musical in the spring.

Cherub & Music Makers Choirs  

Starting August 21, our three-year-olds through 1st graders will meet on Wednesday nights from 6:15-7:30pm. Cherub Choir (three- and four-year-olds) gather in Room C103, and Music Makers (SK and 1st grade) gather in Room C102 for music, games, and a Bible lesson. You are free to drop off your child starting at 6:10pm.

Spirit & Song Choir

Starting August 21, our 2nd through 5th grade choir will meet on Wednesday nights from 5:00-5:45pm. They will gather in the Chancel Choir room to play musical games, learn anthems to sing in worship services, and practice our Hymn of the Month. An optional dinner is served following rehearsal, and children are dismissed at 6:05 to attend Connect. A dinner donation of $30 per child per semester is requested for those who choose to eat dinner.

Register for Children's Choir

Questions? Contact Calvin Ellis at 901-500-5056 or .


Starting August 21, Connect will meet on Wednesday nights from 6:15-7:30pm in the Youth lobby. Connect is a great way for 2nd–5th graders to connect with our church, each other, awesome leaders, and God's Word through music, games, and Bible lessons!

Register for Connect 2024-2025


From nursery during worship services and Sunday School to Connect on Wednesday nights and special events, it takes hundreds of volunteers each year to serve our youngest worshippers at Second.

There are a variety of ways to serve with our Children's Ministry—once a month, bi-monthly, every Sunday, and only for special events (VBS, Family Fun Night, etc.). We need Sunday School teachers, nursery desk workers, Connect discipleship leaders, and more, and we'd love to discuss the options with you!

Read detailed descriptions of the various roles here.

Sign Up to Help!

God calls parents to be the primary vision-casters for their children by making Him the center of family life. 
The church as a whole shares in the awesome responsibility of instructing our children.
One way we do that is by providing resources for families.

Learn More

There are a variety of classes, activities, and mission opportunities through our Children’s Ministry to bring little ones up in His love and to have fun while doing so!

Contact Lucy Stevens or Kathryn Wynn with questions.

Check us out on Instagram page @2pckids!

Meet Our Staff