
Our Music Ministry guides the congregation in joyful worship. We embrace a variety of musical styles, instruments and choirs.

If you’re interested in playing an instrument or joining a choir/ensemble, we welcome your involvement! From handbells to children’s choirs to auditioned ensembles, there are many ways to share your gifts. Please contact us at for more information.

Music Style

Our music offerings seek to reflect the growing diversity of our congregation, and of God’s Kingdom. Expect a blend of traditional hymns, gospel classics, and modern worship music.

Training Worshipers

Music plays an important role in equipping our families to be worshipers. That’s why we focus time and resources on programs such as Children’s and Youth Choirs and the Second Conservatory of Music.

Bring Your Voice

Our choral and instrumental groups are close-knit, welcoming communities where we encourage and support one another. Weekly choir practice, events, and seasonal celebrations are opportunities for deeper community.

Opportunities to Get Involved

Here are some ways for adults, youth, and children to get connected in our Music Ministry!


Chancel Choir

Chancel Choir will primarily be leading worship in the morning services at Second. They sing various genres and styles of music from early Medieval, Baroque, and Classical to Contemporary and Gospel. The choir will sing three Sundays of each month, will assist in leading “The Call Up” choir one of those Sundays, and will perform one major work each year along with special music for Festival of Carols, Christmas Eve, and Easter. The choir will have one Sunday OFF each month. The choir rehearses on Tuesday evenings from 6:30-8:00pm in the choir room. Childcare during this time is provided for those who need it in order to participate. If interested, contact Calvin Ellis.

Call-Up Choir

Call-Up Choir is an opportunity to sing in choir without the commitment of doing so each week. Call-Up Choir will lead worship once per month. The volunteers have a choice to sing with this choir as often or as limited as they see fit, but we do encourage participating at least four times during the ministry year (August-May). There are two options for rehearsal: on Tuesday evenings from 6:30-8:00pm in the choir room prior to the Call-Up Choir leading, or if you can’t make this, you can show up the morning of the service. Sign up for Call-Up Choir here.

Call-Up Choir Dates 2025
January 26
February 23
March 23
April 18

Sunday Night Worship Team

Sunday Night Worship Team will lead worship in a smaller group during our Sunday evening service. We need volunteers who enjoy singing contemporary and Gospel style music and are not afraid to do so on a microphone. We do have occasional gospel evenings where we use a larger ensemble, and everyone does not need a microphone. Rehearsal is prior to the evening service at 4:45pm. The service is from 6:00-7:00pm If interested, contact Calvin Ellis. 

Special Events Singers

Special Event singers can participate in events like our beloved Festival of Carols, Nine Lessons and Carols, Christmas Eve services, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday. If you are interested in participating, please contact Calvin Ellis.

children and youth

Children’s Choirs

We have a wide range of choir offerings for children of all ages to broaden their knowledge of Christ's love for them through music by learning great hymns of the faith, memorizing Scripture, learning to recognize music symbols and notes, and playing musical instruments. Led by Calvin Ellis, our Cherub Choir, Music Makers Choir, and Spirit & Song Choirs will lead in several Sunday services throughout the year. Register for Children's Choirs here.

Cherub Choir: On Wednesday nights from 6:15-7:30pm for three- and four-year olds.
Music Makers Choir: On Wednesday nights from 6:15-7:30pm for kindergarteners and 1st graders.
Spirit Song Choir: On Wednesday nights from 5:00-5:45pm for 2nd through 5th graders.

Faithline Youth Choir

All Jr. and Sr. High students with musical interest (whether it be singing or playing an instrument) are invited to join us in the Senior High Youth Room on Wednesdays at 5:00pm for a pizza dinner followed by choir practice. We'll conclude shortly after 6:00pm, just in time for Jr. High small groups and with plenty of time for Sr. High students to make it to True North. For more information, contact James Ryan via email or phone at (901) 454-0034.

Conservatory of Music

Second's Conservatory provides quality music education for all ages and abilities. Private lessons are offered in flute, voice, piano, viola, violin, cello, guitar, and percussion. Our Spring 2025 Conservatory semester will begin the week of January 13. Learn more here.

Visit the Music at Second YouTube channel for live special events as well as archives of past musical performances. 

Recent Event
We Shall Overcome: An Evening with Nathaniel Gumbs
Premiered, July 24 at 7:00pm

Music Staff