Restore Corps

Restore Corps exists to eradicate human trafficking by empowering survivors, equipping communities, and seeking justice through systemic change. They desire to see a slave-free community through the rehabilitation and empowerment of survivors and a community mobilized against human trafficking. As the regional point of contact, Restore Corps receives all human trafficking referrals in the 21 counties of West Tennessee from law enforcement and the Department of Children’s Services. Restore Corps then coordinates services to meet the needs of human trafficking survivors. They believe that God created all people in his image to know him, love him, and glorify him; that violence committed against the poor destroys hope; and that true restoration involves men and women knowing the fullness and significance of their humanity.
get involved
- Provide on-site childcare during intensive outpatient program meetings
- Plan and provide a joyful outing for survivors and their children
- Hygiene crisis response items
1548 Poplar Ave
Memphis, TN 38104
(855) 558-6484