A Way Out Ministries

A Way Out Ministries has combatted pornography and human trafficking for 31 years, with: monthly outreaches to venues known for sexual exploitation; rescues of women wanting to leave the sex industry; a two-year, Christ-centered, trauma-informed residential program; and legislative and policy advocacy. They are building a rural campus on 75+ acres to serve additional sex-trafficked women and children, which will include trauma-informed work opportunities at new social-enterprise businesses, as well as Christ-centered equine therapy.
get involved
Note: Women Only
- Teach Bible-based classes for the residential program
- Join an outreach team and minister at venues known for sexual exploitation; mentor a human-trafficking survivor
- Perform light construction work
- Provide free CPA or legal services
- Provide meals for Bible studies; bake homemade treats to hand out at strip clubs Clothing, household supplies, and outreach bags given to dancers at strip clubs
P.O. Box 770775
Memphis, TN 38177
(901) 452-7884