Care & Support

Fresh Start Divorce Recovery

The Fresh Start divorce recovery program offers an environment in which people can deal openly and honestly with the issues that come with the end of a marriage. Topics include: self-esteem, discouragement, anger, children and divorce, coping with an ex-spouse, and letting go of the past.

The Winter 2025 class is underway, meeting on Wednesdays, January 8-March 5, 2025 (excluding February 19), from 6:15–7:30pm in the Salmon Room.

Registration is required (fee of $30). Childcare will be available for children up to 5th grade.

Register for Fresh Start

Please email Janet Jorgensen with questions.


GriefShare is offered to anyone who has experienced the death of a loved one. Its resources help as you recover from your loss and look forward to rebuilding your life with a “new normal." A team of men and women from Second Presbyterian Church facilitate the group.

The current group meets on Wednesdays from 6:00-7:30pm, January 8–April 9, in B101. 

A $25 per person fee is required to cover materials (payable by check or cash at the first session). To attend, please contact Donna Sanders via email at or via phone at 901-531-6169. Please also contact Donna if you'd like to scholarship a participant.

There is also a group available for women who have lost their husbands within the past year, that meets May–July. For more information, please contact Donna Sanders at 901-531-6169.

Caregivers Support

Second desires to provide a platform for support of our members who are caring for aging or sick family members, or special needs loved ones.

Some are caring within the home, some overseeing care in an institutional setting, some providing support to loved ones out of town. Some are sons or daughters, some spouses, some parents, some nieces or nephews, etc. Whatever the situation, there are many stresses for the individuals involved.

If you would like to share concerns, exchange ideas and experiences, we encourage you to email or call (901) 531-6169 we will set up a time for a personalized consultation with a seasoned caregiver who also has professional training to support caregivers.

For caregivers of those with special needs, we offer respite nights throughout the year, which create a space for individuals with special needs to spend time in community, while giving caretakers and parents a time to rest! Visit the Shine Ministry page or contact our Coordinator of Shine Ministry, Audrey Hamm, at .

Parent & Student Support

Parents, if your child/student could benefit from additional support adjusting to a church event or Sunday School setting, please contact our Student Support Coordinator, Audrey Hamm, at .