The vision of 2PC Sports is to Retell the Gospel, Reimagine the church and city, and Repair what is broken through fun and God-honoring sports and recreation opportunities.  

FACILITY CONDITIONS - All activities are on as scheduled.


important registration INFORMATION 

  • Registration Timeframe... Registration will be open from December 17 through January 22.  
  • Team Formation... We make rosters primarily based on friend requests and numbers of kids per team.  Please indicate two friend requests on the registration if you have preferences.  Even though we spend lots of time and effort to create teams that accommodate requests, you are NOT GUARANTEED to get your friend request(s).
  • Participation Capacity… Our program has grown significantly over the past couple years.  We do have a participation cap for all sports.  Once we reach our cap, registrants will be added to a waitlist.  
  • Multiple Team Sign Ups... Your child is not allow to play SK-6th grade soccer and 1st-6th grade baseball / softball in the spring.  They are also not able to play in the ESCRA soccer league if they are playing for a another school team or competitive team.  
  • Kindergarten Sign Ups... If your child is in kindergarten, please make sure you sign up for the correct age and program (JK or SK).
  • Email Communication... Please make sure that the email that you register with the email that is the best one to reach you.  We send out all of our preseason communication via email, so you will miss out on all updates if this email is incorrect.
  • Refunds...  We do provide refunds during the open registration window.  Once uniforms are ordered, refunds are not guaranteed.  If there is an extenuating circumstance that requires a child to drop from the sport, we will consider refunds on a case by case basis. 
  • Scholarships...  We do not want finances to be a barrier for anyone participating in our program.  Please email to inquire about scholarship opportunities.   
  • Special Needs... If your child has special needs, contact Shine Coordinator for help finding the right team.

spring registration is now closed - for late registration email

JK / SK T-BalL

  • JK/SK Boys - $100
  • Tuesday night 5-6pm sessions starting April 8 and ending May 13.  (May have 1-2 Monday night games as well)
  • JK / SK will be combined in one age group for t-ball.
  • This is a great opportunity for kids to learn the basic fundamentals of t-ball / baseball in a structured environment.  
  • Weeks 1-2 / Skills and Drills, Weeks 3-6 / Games 

SK Redbirds Coach Pitch

  • We have a growing levels of interest for SK Coach Pitch and are piloting this program in the spring.  This could be a good option for SK kids who have played t-ball before and want to move into a coach pitch environment.  Rather than hitting off of a tee, the kids would hit pitches from a coach. 
  • Practices start the week of March 17 with games starting in mid-April.  Games conclude by late May.  Games will be played with modified junior coach pitch rules.  
  • Games are played primarily in the East Memphis area.  Practices are at 2PC.  Before games start, there will be one practice per week plus an optional skills / drills development session.  Once games start there will be 1-2 games plus a practice per week.  Practices days and times are chosen by the coaches.  Games will be played primarily on weeknights.  There may be an occasional Saturday game.  
  • SK Coach will play a mix of games between SK teams and 1/2 grade rec coach pitch teams.  
  • Cost - $130
  • For more information contact

Redbirds Baseball Program

  • Redbirds Rec
    • 1/2 Grade, 3/4 Grade - $130 
    • Practices Start March 17 - One weeknight practice per week at 2PC.  5/6 Grade team starts practice the week of February 17
    • Games are played through PAA church / school league and mostly held in the East Memphis area.  April 21 through May 23 - 6-8 games total, primarily weeknights.  5/6 Grade team games from March 17 through early May.
    • This is a great option for kids who are new to baseball or families that would like to have a shorter season with less practice and game commitments.  
  • Redbirds A
    • 7/8U (primarily 1/2 grade), 9/10U (primarily 3/4 grade) - $180
      • May 1 is the birthday cut off for this league.  For example, a boy who is 9 on May 1 cannot play in the 7/8U division.  A boy who is 11 on May 1 cannot play in the 9/10U division.  
    • Practice Starts - week of Feb 24 - One weeknight practice and one Saturday practice per week before season starts, 1 practice per week once season starts.  Practices will be at 2PC.  
    • Games are played through the Bartlett City League (Deermont Park) mid April through mid/late June - 15-18 games total, weeknights and some Saturdays.
    • This would be a great option for someone who wants to get a baseball experience outside of the church recreational environment.  The competition and commitment level increases from the 6-8 game church league yet still consists of a range of skill and experience levels.  

For more information about the Redbirds Baseball Program please email


  • PK / JK Soccer
    • Boys and Girls, $100
    • Six Friday night sessions starting April 4 and ending May 16 (no session on Good Friday, April 18)
    • Girls @ 5pm; Boys @ 6pm
    • Weeks 1-2 / Basic Fundamentals, Weeks 3-6 / Games
  • SK - 6th Grade Soccer
    • Girls SK teams may play occasional games against boys SK teams during the ESCRA league season.  
    • Boys and Girls, $130
    • Practices are one weeknight per week from March 17 and through the week of May 16
    • Games are on Saturdays starting April 5 through May 10 (May 17th reserved for makeup games)
    • The 1st-6th grade ESCRA soccer league that we participate in is a recreational league. For more competitive play inquiries, email

For questions or more information about spring soccer, email

Basketball Information


1st - 6th Grade Boys & Girls Basketball - $130
  • Practices one weeknight per week. Practices will start the week of November 18th and go thru the week of February 3rd.  The day and time of practice will be determined by the coach and will be communicated 1-2 weeks before practice starts.  
  • Games on Saturdays (potential for a weeknight game if your team is scheduled at MJCC).  Games will start on December 7th and go thru February 8th (No games December 28 and January 4 during winter break).
  • Locations: Practices at 2PC Gymnasium.  Games at 2PC and other Memphis area locations.
  • Uniforms will be distributed to your teams during practice before the first games.

JK / SK Boys & Girls Basketball - $100
  • JK - Tuesday Nights
    • Girls at 5pm
    • Boys at 6pm
  • SK - Thursday Nights
    • Girls at 5pm
    • Boys at 6pm
  • Dates: January 28th thru March 3rd
  • 6-week season: First two weeks are skills and drills.  Last four weeks are games.
  • Location: 2PC Gymnasium 
  • Uniforms will be distributed on the first night
  • Total Capacity on registration before waitlist: 64 participants for each division.  

This winter we hope to create an environment where your child not only grows in their enjoyment in their respective sport but also experiences Jesus through our leagues and the relationships they build this season.  Thanks for your interest in 2PC Basketball!

fitness Center & Track

Our Recreation Building has a fully furnished fitness room with fixed weight machines, free weights and 13 stations for cardiovascular workouts, plus a stretching table. Also, we have a rubberized 1/12 mile walking track.

Monday, Wednesday, Friday / 7:00am–7:00pm
Tuesday, Thursday / 8:00am–7:00pm
Saturday / 8:00am–12:00pm 
Closed on Sundays

The main doors into the building will remain locked at all times. Paid members will be issued a key card to be used only during the operating hours of the Fitness Room and Track. The key cards are not to be shared. Each card has the member's name on it. There will be a $20 fee to replace lost cards. Membership renewal will begin January 1. There will be a 30-day grace period to renew. After that time, if you have not renewed, your card will be deactivated. 

  • A membership to the Fitness Center is required.  An annual membership fee to the Fitness Center ($100 per person; $140 per family) and Track ($30 per person) is required. Basketball court use is not included in a fitness center membership.  Membership renewals are due each January. If a new member joins during the year, a pro-rated cost is available. Call Recreation (901-454-0034, ext. 158) for the pro-rated price if signing up before or after January. 

    Pay Fitness Center Fees

  • Members must utilize the provided Clorox wipes to clean each piece of equipment after each use.

Coaches' Resources

Various Sports

i9 Sports
Website and app offering instruction on various sports, including practice plans, rotation sheets, and other resources from ages 3 through 18

Mojo Sports Coaching
How-to's and expert advice to get the most out of each season 

Team Snap
Skills and drills, as well as articles, for various sports. Practice plan templates also available. 

Sports Mom Survival Guide
Resources for parents to help their children grow in sports and life

Aspen Institute Project Play
For coaches and parents seeking to encourage their kids to continue playing sports throughout life 

Positive Coaching Alliance
Thousands of resources for different sports and youth development 

Up2Us Sports 
Take advantage of Up2Us Sports virtual trainings on YouTube, as well as drills on Up2Us website.


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