For those who would like to make progress in learning more about God’s good design for human sexuality as well as God’s gracious provision for our sexual brokenness, our staff has put together a list of recommended books, podcasts, and panels.
Note: We recognize that these topics are deeply personal for many. We would be honored to have the opportunity to meet with you and hear your concerns. If you are struggling in the areas of gender and sexuality and would like to speak with someone on our ministry staff, please email us at
All book titles listed are available in the Bookmark Bookstore and the 2PC Library.
Gender and Sexuality:
- 7 Myths about Singleness by Sam Allberry
- Is God Anti-gay? And Other Questions about Homosexuality, the Bible, and SSA by Sam Allberry
- What God Has to Say about Our Bodies by Sam Allberry
- Why Does God Care Who I Sleep With? by Sam Allberry
- Gay Girl, Good God by Jackie Hill-Perry
- Women and God by Kathleen Nielson
- Holy Sexuality and the Gospel by Christopher Yuan
- Parenting without Panic in an LGBT-Affirming World by Rachel Gilson
Shame and Trauma:
- On the Threshold of Hope: Opening the Door to Healing for Survivors of Sexual Abuse by Diane Langberg
- Suffering and the Heart of God by Diane Langberg
- The Soul of Shame by Curt Thompson
Crossway Podcasts:
- Is Singleness Superior to Marriage? with Sam Allberry
- Why Your Physical Body Matters to God with Sam Allberry
The Gospel Coalition:
- Sexual Challenges and Your Church’s Response with Sam Allberry
- Sexuality, Identity, and Loving our Neighbor: A Panel Discussion from the Gospel Coalition with Sam Allberry, Jackie Hill-Perry, and Rebecca McLaughlin
- How the Gospel (Uniquely) Speaks to Shame by Mary Willson Hannah
- Jackie Hill Perry on her book “Gay Girl, Good God”
- Sexual Sanctification is Not the Absence of Temptation with Christopher Yuan