Promotion Sunday

Kids at Second Youth

Join us for Promotion Sunday!
This is the time of year when our children and students move up to the next class level for Sunday School and activities. This year, rising JK through 12th grade will promote on August 11,  and nursery through rising PK will promote on August 25! 

August 11: Rising JK through 12th grade promote
August 25: Nursery through rising PK promote
We’re excited to see God continue to work in their lives both on Sunday mornings and throughout the week. 

Sunday School Class Locations 

  • Jr. Kindergarten: C108/109
  • Sr. Kindergarten: C103/C104
  • 1st Grade: C102
  • 2nd Grade: C101
  • 3rd Grade: C105
  • 4th Grade: C107
  • 5th Grade: C106
  • 6th-12th Grades: Youth Commons (above the gym)

Sunday school begins at 9:45am and ends at 10:45am. 


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Sunday, August 11, 2024


9:45am - 10:45am