Egg Hunt
Kids at Second

April 19 from 10:00-11:00am on the Poplar Turf Field
Join us for the Egg Hunt on April 19! Feel free to invite your neighbors to join in on the fun, and don’t forget a basket for your eggs! There will be prizes! Parents, please be sure to hop along with your children—all kids must be accompanied by an adult. The hunt will begin promptly at 10:15. Designed for children up to second grade. Dress is casual.
This free event is hosted by Kids at Second.
Help Us Prepare for the Egg Hunt!
Our children's ministry is starting to collect eggs for the Egg Hunt on April 19! Please consider bringing one or two dozen pre-stuffed eggs with nut-free candy or small toys! The goal is to collect 5,000 eggs by April 13. Drop off bins are located by the nursery office and in the C basement.