Word-Filled Women Spring Workshop

Women in Ministry

Our 2023 Word-Filled Women Workshop will focus on how to interpret and apply Old Testament Law.

We’ll consider questions such as:

  • In what ways is Old Testament law still relevant to us?
  • What tools ought we use to handle difficult and offensive (to us) Old Testament ethical passages?
  • Most fundamentally, how must we apply the Bible’s ethical passages in light of Christ’s having “fulfilled” the law?

Workshop participants must complete a preparation packet (about 10 hours of work) in advance of the workshop gathering; the preparation packet will be available to registrants by mid-January.

We will meet in C-310 on Friday, February 3 from 5:30-8:30pm (dinner included) and Saturday, February 4 from 8:30am–3:30pm (light breakfast and lunch included). There is a $30 registration fee to cover meals and materials.  There is no childcare. Sessions will not be recorded. Participating in the full workshop is expected.


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Friday, February 3, 2023


5:30pm - 3:30pm


Room: C-310

