Worship with us during Holy Week and celebrate the resurrection of Christ with us on Easter Sunday!
The following is our worship schedule. All services will meet on campus and be available via live stream (excluding the Easter Sunrise Service, which will be held at Memphis Botanic Garden and not live streamed).
Palm Sunday: April 13
8:15 & 11:00am Morning Worship
Celebrate Palm Sunday with us, the day that we remember when Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey and people laid palm branches in the road to honor him. Our children's choirs will help lead us in worship.
Holy Week Noon Services & Lunches: April 14-17
12:00pm in the Sanctuary
Lunch will be served before and after the services in the Fellowship Hall (11:00-11:45am & 12:30-1:15pm). Lunch is $11 (debit/credit cards or check only; no cash). Note: Nursery is NOT available for the Monday-Thursday noon services.
Maundy Thursday Evening: April 17
6:30pm Communion Service
On Maundy Thursday, we remember the day when Jesus shared the Last Supper with His disciples and washed their feet in a display of humility. At this service, communion is served. Nursery will be provided for ages 5 and under (no reservation needed).
Good Friday Service: April 18
12:00pm in the Sanctuary
On Good Friday, we remember the day Jesus willingly suffered and died by crucifixion as the ultimate sacrifice for our sins. In reverence of this day, please enter and exit the Sanctuary in silence. Nursery will be provided for ages 5 and under (no reservation needed).
Egg Hunt: April 19
10:00-11:00am on the Poplar Field
Invite your neighbors to join in on the fun, and don’t forget a basket for your eggs. Dress is casual, and there will be prizes galore! Parents, please be sure to hop along with your children—all kids must be accompanied by an adult. Designed for children up to second grade.
Help Us Prepare for the Egg Hunt! Our children's ministry is starting to collect eggs for the Egg Hunt on April 19! Please consider bringing one or two dozen pre-stuffed eggs with nut-free candy or small toys! The goal is to collect 5,000 eggs by April 13. Drop off bins are located by the nursery office and in the C basement.
Easter Sunday: April 20
6:30am Sunrise Service at Memphis Botanic Garden
Grab your chair or picnic blanket and worship with us at sunrise!
Note: In the event of rain, the outdoor service will meet indoors at the botanic garden.
8:00, 9:30, 11:00am Services in the Sanctuary
Join us on our church campus for worship! We will not meet for Sunday School or evening worship. Nursery will be provided for ages 5 and under at all services (no reservation needed). Note: 4s & 5s attend worship until the Word to the Children and then come to the nursery.