Contact Us

We would love to hear from you. Here are a few ways to get in touch with us:

By Phone:

  • Main Phone Number (901) 454-0034
  • Toll Free Number (800) 844-8599
  • Pastor on Call Beeper (901) 391-8554
  • Bookmark Bookstore (901) 507-7899
  • Campus Outreach (901) 320-7036
  • Second Conservatory of Music (901) 507-7887

By Fax

  • Fax Number (901) 327-1204

By Email

  • Pastoral questions:
  • Women's Ministries:
  • Volunteer Ministries:
  • Children's Ministries:
  • Small Groups Information:
  • Communications:
  • General Inquiries/Comments:


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