Women in Ministry

Women in Ministry (WIM) aims to help Second’s sisters make progress in knowing Christ, becoming like him, and making him known in our various callings and contexts. That’s why God’s Word is at the heart of all our ministry among women at Second.

WIM hosts various gatherings for Bible study, ministry equipping, and intergenerational fellowship. Whether or not you’re a member of Second, you and your friends are welcome to join any WIM gathering. Come grow with us as Word-filled women who hear, do, and retell God’s Word! (Click here for our August 2024–July 2025 plans.)

Weekly Bible Studies

Overflow: A Bible Study for the Hearts of Moms

Overflow will meet on Tuesdays from 9:00-11:00am (September 2024–April 2025). Beginning September 3, 2024, Leesa Jensen and her team will study the book of Exodus. Overflow is a Bible Study that aims to instruct and encourage the hearts of moms with children from birth to college graduation. The cost is $30 (contact the WIM Office for scholarship information). Nursery is available for ages 5 and under (registration required).

Register for Overflow Register for Nursery

The Walk

The Walk has two distinct groups that will meet from September 2024–April 2025. The cost is $30 (contact WIM office for scholarship information). Nursery is available for ages 5 and under for the morning group (registration required). 

  • TUESDAY MORNING: Lisa Colcolough and Jennifer Wilson will lead the morning group, which meets from 9:15-11:00am in the Fellowship Hall.

Register for The Walk MorningRegister for Nursery

  • TUESDAY EVENING: Loraine Galbreath will lead the evening group, which meets 5:30-7:00pm in B101.

Register for The Walk Evening

Word-Filled Women

Word-Filled Women has two distinct groups studying Exodus next year. 

  • WEDNESDAY MORNING: Kim Jorgensen and her team are leading the morning group, which meets from 6:30-7:30am in Room C310. This study begins August 21, 2024 and continues through April 9, 2025. The cost is $30 (contact the WIM Office for scholarship information). Nursery is not available.

Register for Word-Filled Women Morning

  • WEDNESDAY EVENING: Mary Hannah and her team are leading the evening group, which meets from 6:15-7:30pm in the Fellowship Hall. This study begins August 21, 2024 and continues through April 9, 2025. The cost is $30 (contact the WIM Office for scholarship information). Nursery is available (no registration required for nursery). Dinner is available in the Fellowship Hall from 5:00-6:15pm (self-serve box style; first come, first serve).

Register for Word-Filled Women Evening


Circles aim to meet once a month September through May. A schedule for Circle meetings will be determined by each individual group. Please  the WIM Office for more information.

Special Events


September Sister Supper

RESCHEDULED FOR: Thursday, September 19
6:00–7:30 pm, 2PC Campus
Join us on September 19 for a meal, fellowship around the table, and the opportunity to hear stories of God’s goodness from a few of our 2PC sisters. They’ll share with us about how God is conforming them, day-by-day, to be more like Christ—including through the opportunities God is giving them to retell God’s Word in their everyday lives. We'd love to see you there!
$10 per person

Register for Sister Stories Here


Save the dates

Church Equipping Conference 
with Rebecca McLaughlin & Sandy Willson
November 15-16

Women's Christmas Coffee
December 5, 10:30am-12:00pm in Room C310

Women's Christmas Party
December 10, 6:00-8:00pm in the Fellowship Hall

Discipleship & Mentoring

Come and See

Come and See is for the woman seeking to deepen her relationship with Jesus through studying the Scriptures with an older-in-the-faith sister and learning by her example how to apply those Scriptures in everyday life. When a woman reaches out to the WIM team with a desire to be discipled, the WIM team links her for a defined season with an older-in-the-faith sister for Word-centered discipleship. In essence, the older-in-the-faith sister says to the younger-in-the-faith sister, “Come follow me, as I follow Christ.” Discipleship is all about seeing, following, and bringing others to follow Jesus. If you are interested in being discipled, email Allie Eick for more information.

Walk with Me

Walk with Me is for the woman desiring a Christian sister to walk with her through a particular life issue, skill, or challenge. In this program, the WIM team links a woman desiring mentoring with a mentor who will pray with and for her, encourage her, and point her to Christ in one specific area of life. If you are interested in being mentored, email Allie Eick for more information.

Equipping Resources

Click here for Bible study videos, Equipping Forum resources, and more!

Contact Us

There are a variety of Bible studies, events, and mission opportunities through Women in Ministry!

Contact with questions.

Check us out on Instagram @2pcwomeninministry!